Laissez-Faire Institute - Freedom Without Compromise

Against Urki Libertarianism

А психология урки очень проста, очень доступна к усвоению:

  1. Хочу жить и наслаждаться, на остальных на…!
  2. Прав тот, кто сильней.
  3. Тебя не <дол>бут - не подмахивай! (т. е. пока бьют не тебя, не заступайся за тех, кого бьют. Жди своей очереди.) Бить покорных врагов по одиночке! - что-то очень знакомый закон. Так делал Гитлер. Так делал Сталин.

[And the psychology of the urki was exceedingly simple and very easy to acquire:

  1. I want to live and enjoy myself; and fuck the rest!
  2. Whoever is the strongest is right!
  3. If they aren’t [beat]ing you, then don’t lie down and ask for it. (In other words: As long as they’re beating up someone else, don’t stick up for the ones being beaten… Wait your own turn.) Beat up your submissive enemies one at a time! Somehow this is a very familiar law. It is what Hitler did. It is what Stalin did.]

– Александр Солженицын, Архипелаг ГУЛаг, “Глава 16. Социально-близкие” [ Chapter 16: The Socially Friendly ]

Which appears to be exactly the professed philosophy of “Putin’s libertarians” – henceforth, Kremlintarians. See:

To which we would oppose:

1. The long run matters, others matter

What happens to others and in the rest of the world affects us. Libertarianism is not selfish. Libertarianism is not irrational. Libertarianism is not short-sighted.

2. My rights are your rights

Rights are universal, for everyone, everywhere. Libertarianism is for everyone. I am not free if everyone is not free. Libertarianism is a humanism. Libertarianism is a universalism. Libertarianism is the opposite of nihilism.

3. Freedom isn’t free

RKBA matters. Defensive alliances (like NATO) matter. Opposing evil matters. Whether you do it for your own correctly understood interest, or for the sake of others, evil must be opposed, freedom must be fought for. For our freedom and yours.