(voir aussi : Слава Україні!)
Le Canton de Zoug étant l’un des plus libéraux de Suisse, nous ne pouvons qu’approuver le choix des Russes libres d’un drapeau similaire :
- Flag of the Wonderful Russia of the Future
- White-blue-white flag
- « Freedom of Russia » Legion
- https://twitter.com/ThomasVLinge/status/1512092312419008513
- What is the libertarian response to Russian invasion in Ukraine? (with a Russian libertarian using this flag)
Un changement de régime ? Oui, vite !
- Russian Police arrests Libertarians during Adam Smith forum
- Vladimir Putin bans comparisons between Soviets and Nazi Germany in Second World War
- Russia to punish ’fake’ war reports with 15 years in prison
- Let's discuss what's happening in Russia. To put it simply, it's going full fascist.
- Russia, 2022. A 14 year old boy is facing 10 years in a maximum security prison for terrorism, after blowing up a government building. IN MINECRAFT.
- Alexandre Douguine le dangereux idéologue derrière Poutine
- Le KGB n’a jamais disparu : l’histoire sombre de la Russie moderne