Laissez-Faire Institute - Freedom Without Compromise

Слава Україні!

(see also: свобода россии!)

Some years ago, ISIL, the International Society for Individual Liberty (of which we are members), had to change its name to avoid any confusion with the Islamic State, whose aims are of course antinomic to liberty.

Today, it is the neo-stalinian fascists who usurp our dear Z of laissez-faire (ironically, a letter that is not even in the cyrillic alphabet). Common watch thievesplane thieves, thieves of symbols, Социально-близкие thieves. In order to avoid any confusion, especially since, alas many (ipso facto so-called) libertarians support or excuse the barbaric aggression of a violently illiberal regime, we have had to (temporarily, let us hope) change the favicon of our Institute.

Our own analyses:

Essential links:

(The flag can be bought from our friends at the Czech Liberal Institute. Half of the sale proceeds go to aid for Ukraine.)